Our Story


Welcome to The Holiday Market!

Holidays, such as Easter, the Forth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, have always been a time for celebration in our family.  We had parties, family dinners, friend get togethers, special events to attend and decorations everywhere.  Most of us experience a special feeling of peace and goodwill especially at Christmastime and from an early age I have wanted to live with that Christmas spirit all year long.

My dream, for more years than I’ll admit, has been to own a little Christmas store and share the magic of the season. However, my dream seemed further and further away as the years passed. There was always a reason why I couldn’t begin…bad timing, financial, location. Some self made, some real. I’m not complaining, mind you, I have three great kids, a wonderful and supportive husband and I worked in a local Christmas store for twenty years.

Well, it’s now or never! I began planning and searching for a location (again) when my daughter said “mom, why don’t you start a shop on line.” While I’m not exactly computer illiterate, I am far from being an expert. The suggestion had me scared to death, but seriously thinking about it. I decided to jump in but only if my kids would be there helping me with their computer skills and social media knowledge.

I have not given up on owning a little store someday but I am so excited to begin this journey with you.  I don’t believe that “things” give you happiness, however, I do believe that certain words or phrases and special items that have personal meaning and purpose can bring you joy.  My wish is that you find something that will bring a sparkle to your eye and joy to your heart.

 Our Story Continues....

After searching for many years, The Holiday Market finally has a store front! It all happened so fast and I'm just now realizing how blessed this journey has been. We are located in the small town of Ashland, NE about 20 minutes from my home and smack in between Lincoln and Omaha.  It is the perfect location right on Silver Street with many other boutiques, art galleries and eateries. I have posted pictures on our facebook page so head over and check us out!  


Follow your dreams and find joy in the journey!